Learn to listen to your body
Your body knows what it needs, you just have to listen. Drop your info here to learn what macros you might be deficient in based on your recurring unpleasant symptoms.
I know you feel like you’ve already tried everything. The fad diets (really. ALL the fad diets.), the magic pills, the “new habits” books. But no matter what you try, the same things always seems to happen…
You’ve spent hours researching exactly how to do each “new” diet that everyone is talking about – and one time you even made it a whole 2 weeks before you quit
You’ve tried so many new workout programs, you can’t even remember them all
You’re totally and completely drained at the end of the day (let’s be real, by 2pm)
The brain fog / mom brain / whatever you’re calling it today never seems to lift
But you still have hope – even if it’s just a little. Deep down, you know that you’re not meant to feel this way. You remember what you’ve been missing and you’re ready to figure out how to get it back.
I know I have the fancy Dr. title and all, but in reality I know about this stuff because I’ve been there too. Even in my teens I suffered from fatigue and insomnia. Then when I finally regained my energy, I had kids 🙁
I get the tired, I get the busy, and I get the hard.
But what if it doesn’t have to be that way? What if you could: