Learn to listen to your body
Your body knows what it needs, you just have to listen. Drop your info here to learn what macros you might be deficient in based on your recurring unpleasant symptoms.
Yoga is widely practiced by many people. By people who are healthy, unhealthy, active or inactive. Why do such a wide range of people practice yoga? It must be because of the benefits. So what are the main health benefits of yoga?That depends on your current health....
Aside from being biased due to my profession the topic at hand simply has to do with prevention. Just like a couch potato cannot sit forever eating pizza, nor can an athlete train at high intensities without adequate balance. What will bring balance? Sufficient Rest...
Well it’s that time of year. Everyone around you is getting sick and it may only be a matter of time before your next. Want to avoid taking a week off of training? Or if you feel something coming on, know how to kick it before it’s full blown.Here are my best weapons...