

Yoga for your health

Yoga for your health

Yoga is widely practiced by many people. By people who are healthy, unhealthy, active or inactive. Why do such a wide range of people practice yoga? It must be because of the benefits. So what are the main health benefits of yoga?That depends on your current health....

Athlete health as a whole

Athlete health as a whole

Aside from being biased due to my profession the topic at hand simply has to do with prevention. Just like a couch potato cannot sit forever eating pizza, nor can an athlete train at high intensities without adequate balance. What will bring balance? Sufficient Rest...

Kick a cold to keep training

Kick a cold to keep training

Well it’s that time of year. Everyone around you is getting sick and it may only be a matter of time before your next. Want to avoid taking a week off of training? Or if you feel something coming on, know how to kick it before it’s full blown.Here are my best weapons...


Hey, I’m Dr. Nichole Teering! I’m a health and empowerment coach for women, mompreneur, acupuncturist, and so much more.

I’ve made it my mission to help women gain a better understanding of how their bodies work so they can live happier, healthier lives and feel incredible.

Those are some big claims, I know. Click here to download my free Macro Deficiency Guide to start feeling better now and get an idea of how it all works.