Free resources to get you started

Check out this free stuff to learn more about how it works and ways you can get started right now!

Whole Roast Chicken

Whole Roast Chicken

Use a whole chicken with innards cleaned out. Place in deep roasting pan Stuff 2 cloves of garlic ½ an orange, ½ a lemon, and ½ a lime inside. Squeeze the other haves juices on top and season with oregano, sea salt and cracked pepper. Fill the bottom of the roasting...

Whole Grain Shrimp Pasta

Whole Grain Shrimp Pasta

Hi! So here it is. My top pick for a quick and healthy recipe. Use it for lunch or supper. It's so quick and nutritious! Plus, it has the perfect macro nutrient balance for most of us. Meaning the carb/ protein/ fat ratio that we need. Truly a fuel meal. I hope you...


Hey, I’m Dr. Nichole Teering! I’m a health and empowerment coach for women, mompreneur, acupuncturist, and so much more.

I’ve made it my mission to help women gain a better understanding of how their bodies work so they can live happier, healthier lives and feel incredible.

Those are some big claims, I know. Click here to download my free Macro Deficiency Guide to start feeling better now and get an idea of how it all works.